Garth Simpson granted bail after AfriForum launches appeal
Dundee farmer Garth Simpson was today finally granted bail after AfriForum’s legal team assisted Simpson in his appeal. Judge Poyo Dlwati quickly ruled that there were inaccuracies in the decision to refuse Simpson bail.
The 67 year old Simpson has been in prison for nearly six months and his family is concerned for his health.
Simpson is accused of murder after a tragic shooting incident on his farm. AfriForum is of the opinion that Simpson acted in self-defence, and that he was refused bail due to political interference in the case.
AfriForum previously announced that it will assist Simpson with legal assistance because it seems that Simpson displayed a good defence and he will possibly be successful in his defence provided that he has excellent legal representation during the hearing and that he does not fall victim to now cliched political and racial based accusations.
As a rule AfriForum does not usually get involved in individual cases, but the organisation made an exception because there are bigger issues at stake that do not only affect the accused, but also the broader community.
“We are delighted that Simpson has finally been granted bail, he is not a threat to anyone, has no previous convictions and acted in self-defence. Courts need to make decisions on legal principles and not politics. Loss of life is always tragic, but the way this case was handled was a travesty of justice, and needed to be rectified,” says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s Campaigns Manager.