Coligny currently calm – AfriForum monitors situation

AfriForum advises people to remain vigilant after the unrest that broke out in Coligny today after the successful bail application in the case against Pieter Doorewaard and Phillip Schutte. The town is currently calm on ground-level, confirms AfriForum’s safety structures and the Police. 

According to Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety, the Police struggled to remove protesters from the town, but maintains order at the moment. Many properties were badly damaged and fires were started. “Unfortunately, it is true that protests got momentum, but there is a large police presence in the town, and according to Lt Gen Khomotso Phahlane, Acting National Police Commissioner of the South African Police Service (SAPS), reinforcements are on their way.”


AfriForum also contracted a private security firm to protect the community at their properties.

“I want to sincerely request people not to spread any fake news or false reports, or take the law into their own hands.  People may indeed protect themselves and their property within the framework of the law. The community should act responsibly by joining existing farm and neighbourhood watches who know how to handle these situations. AfriForum will send more delegates to Coligny within the next 24 hours to assist the community,” Cameron says.

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