
Benoni boasts 75 fewer potholes thanks to AfriForum

AfriForum’s Benoni branch has ensured that the Benoni community can now use some of their roads safely without the fear of ending up in a pothole and thus endangering many lives. In an impressive display of community spirit and perseverance, the branch together with numerous volunteers braved the cold and darkness last week to fill a total of 75 potholes. These potholes not only hampered the ability of ambulances and emergency services to respond quickly to emergencies, but also often seriously damaged motorists’ vehicles.

On Wednesday evening (15 May), potholes were filled in Benoni Street, O’Reilly Merry Street, Ensign Avenue and Wellington Street.

This project is part of an annual initiative undertaken by AfriForum’s Benoni branch. Although the branch tackles the problem with potholes throughout the year, the repair work is accelerated during the winter months because the potholes usually last longer if they are filled outside of the rainy season. In winter there is also less grass to cut, which therefore gives the branch the opportunity to pay more attention to the roads. This intensified focus ensures that the roads are maintained and that motorists are safe on the road, which shows AfriForum’s unwavering commitment to service delivery and community safety.

“This dedication to the community’s safety is inspiring and proof of what can be achieved when people work together for a common goal,” says Jurie Ferreira, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the East Rand.

“We as residents cannot afford for our town to deteriorate further and be destroyed. Now is the time to get involved and stand up against poor service delivery,” concludes Ferreira.

This project illustrates the impact of community-driven projects and highlights the importance of community involvement in meeting challenges. AfriForum’s Benoni branch encourages residents to take ownership of their environment. Visit www.wordlid.co.za to get involved with AfriForum.

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