Are you interested in becoming part of the AfriForum branch in West Moot’s radio network?
The process around the use of the repeater is as follows and applies to AfriForum members as well as non-members:
- Active AfriForum members’ radios will be tuned in on the repeater free of charge, after verification of your member number or ID number, up to a maximum of two radios per family.
- Non-AfriForum members or any additional radios of members amount to R100 (one hundred rand) per radio. The proof of payment must be printed out, brought along and handed over to the management of West Moot before the radio will be tuned in.
- No cash payments will be accepted.
- Everyone must sign a radio code of conduct (per radio) to be on the repeater.
- Only ICASA-approved radios will be tuned in on the repeater and all radios will be provided with a password.
- The following areas fall in the repeater’s reception area: Mountain View, Daspoort, Pretoria Gardens, Claremont, Booysens and Suiderberg.
Please take note that radios (e.g. HYT TC500, SFE820 and Kenwood TK3107) that are not equipped with a password cannot be tuned in. All radios that do not comply with the mentioned requirements will be removed from the repeater.
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