
Arbour month: AfriForum contributes to a greener future

The AfriForum branch in Edenvale on 20 September 2019 planted three trees at M.W. de Wet Primary School as part of the civil rights organisation’s annual arbour month project.

According to Peter Kingsley, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Edenvale branch, the organisation intends on planting more than 3 000 trees countrywide this year.

“By planting indigenous trees we are not only preserving our environment and making it a more beautiful place to live in, but we are also showing that we have hope for the future. Trees are much more than simply an important part of the ecosystem or an essential natural resource – trees are symbolic of life,” says Kingsley.

AfriForum annually focuses on both a tree species that occurs commonly and a scarce tree species. The common tree for 2019 is the marula (Sclerocarya birrea), while the scarce tree is the apple leaf (Philenoptera violacea). AfriForum encourages its members to plant indigenous trees that thrive in their environments.

“Arbour month offers the perfect opportunity to make a lasting difference in our communities. However, trees are in need of continuous care to prosper to the benefit of everyone and M.W. de Wet Primary School undertakes to supply this care. It is symbolic of the fact that the trees are here to stay and have hope for the future,” Kingsley concludes.

The branch encourages the community to become involved with the project and become part of a greener future.

Send an email to marie.naude@afriforum.co.za to become involved with AfriForum’s environmental affairs portfolio.

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