After only 48 hours, AfriForum’s petition to save Pta has more than 7 000 signatures

The petition that AfriForum launched this week to keep the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality out of the hands of an EFF-ANC coalition was signed by more than 7 000 residents after only 48 hours. With the signing of AfriForum’s petition, an automatic letter is sent to the leaders of ActionSA, DA, IVP, ACDP and FF+ to settle the disputes in the coalition as soon as possible.

The civil rights organisation’s comprehensive campaign follows ActionSA’s announcement that it’s seriously considering siding with the ANC and the EFF to oust Cilliers Brink, Mayor of Tshwane, and thereby destroying the multi-party coalition in the Metro.

Ernst van Zyl, Head of Public Relations at AfriForum, says even though AfriForum has no control over whether the multi-party coalition collapses or not, the civil rights organisation and the public can still put pressure on parties to improve the coalition’s chances of survival. “Responsible members of the multi-party coalition will put the interests of the residents of Pretoria above political interests. If the coalition falls apart the public will see and remember who put their party above Pretoria,” he adds.

“It’s encouraging that thousands of people are making their voices heard by supporting AfriForum’s Save Pretoria campaign. There are less than two weeks left to save the multi-party coalition, and Pretoria’s future, so AfriForum will keep up the pressure,” concludes Van Zyl.

Visit and add your name to the petition to prevent the EFF and its partners from getting involved in the administration of the Tshwane Metro.

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