AfriForum’s White River neighbourhood watch helps to extinguish runaway fires

AfriForum’s White River neighbourhood watch provided support in cooperation with the Heidelvallei farm watch to extinguish runaway fires.

The fires raged for several days at various areas and damaged plantations as well as farm land. Parts of Brondal, Heidelvallei and Spioenkop were affected.

Various role-players, including the Mbombela Fire Service, Lefpa and various farm watches worked together to cope with the situation. Thirteen AfriForum neighbourhood watch members worked more than 80 manhours to help extinguish the fires.

Local businesses played their part by donating drinking water to the firefighters.

“This is another example of how communities can work together to help and protect one another,” says Joe Pelser, Chairperson of AfriForum’s White River neighbourhood watch.

“Runaway fires currently pose great risks to the country and especially also in Mpumalanga. AfriForum wants to warn farmers to be careful and cooperate whenever a fire starts in their area,” says Hennie Bekker, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for Eastern Mpumalanga.

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