
AfriForum’s Standerton neighbourhood watch helps to prevent burglaries

AfriForum’s Standerton neighbourhood watch increased visibility in the Kosmos and Flora Park residential areas after the neighbourhood watch realised that the number of burglaries had increased. The burglaries reported to Kasselman Security Services show that between four and six burglaries occurred per week in these neighbourhoods.

The AfriForum neighbourhood watch therefore increased its visibility in these neighbourhoods and enlisted the help of Nystiq/Farm Patrol to hold additional patrols. Kasselman Security Services deployed additional vehicles, as well as foot patrols in the most affected areas. The neighbourhood watch and the SAPS also held more visibility patrols. Various vehicles and people observed during patrols in these areas were driven from the area thanks to these actions.

According to a data set that was kept, the additional security planning had been very successful: No burglaries were reported in the last two weeks.

“AfriForum thanks all safety role-players and especially neighbourhood watch members, the SAPS, Nystiq/Farm Patrol and Kasselman Security Services for their cooperation. This cooperation and action are necessary to ensure the safety of residents,” says Gerhard Moll, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Standerton neighbourhood watch.

Join AfriForum’s Standerton neighbourhood watch today: SMS “Buurtwag” to 45350 (R1) and be part of the solution.

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