AfriForum’s Oudtshoorn branch establishes neighbourhood watch
The AfriForum branch in Oudtshoorn on 27 October established a neighbourhood watch after various meetings with role-players in the town and its surrounding rural areas.
In almost all of these areas an effort was already previously made to promote safety, but there was a need for coordination, training and structure. This is precisely what AfriForum offers its members.
Representatives from Oudtshoorn North, Wesbank, Oudtshoorn Central, Rooiheuwel, Volmoed, Lategangsvlei and Cango Valley, as well as the local police attended the establishment meeting.
“This establishment is the product of many conversations and an urgent need to safeguard our community. We are extremely grateful for everyone’s positive attitude and are really looking forward to working with everyone involved,” says Johan Conradie, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Oudtshoorn branch.
“Crime in South Africa is out of control. It is time for communities to become involved and take responsibility for their own safety. We invite everyone to become part of this safety structure and to be part of the solution,” says David Olivier, AfriForum’s Provincial Safety Coordinator.
“AfriForum and its members serve communities in various ways. Safety is an important component thereof. We gladly honour the men and women that are utilising their own time and resources for this cause. We are looking forward to great cooperation with our local SAPS, local government and our friends in the business community. Together we are stronger,” says Arno Greyling, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the Southern Cape.
Become involved with AfriForum’s Oudtshoorn branch today: SMS “Oudtshoorn” to 45342 (R1).