
AfriForum warns SARU about political interference that leads to exclusion of rugby club

AfriForum condemns the decision of the South African Rugby Union (SARU) to agree to the exclusion of a team from the Israeli rugby club, Tel Aviv Heat, from the Mzansi Challenge – a local tournament. The civil rights organisation believes that SARU did not try to resist the political pressure to withdraw the invitation to the Israeli rugby club.

In a letter to Mark Alexander, the president of SARU, AfriForum demands that the rugby governing body communicate their policy in a formal manner and apply it consistently. “The Goshawks of Zimbabwe are allowed to participate while the human rights abuses taking place in Zimbabwe are common knowledge. What applies to one must also apply to the other,” says Ronald Peters, manager of Sport at AfriForum.

Peters further believes that this decision is unfounded and unfair as sportspersons are paying the price for political agendas. “There must be no room for political interference in sports. These politically motivated decisions deprive athletes of the opportunity to live out their calling and reach their full potential. This decision must be reconsidered so that SARU can send a strong message that their decision-making processes are not influenced by political interference.”

AfriForum is strongly opposed to any political interference in sport, as politicians are far removed from the role that sport should really play in the development and empowerment of communities.

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