AfriForum prioritises safety after Municipality remains silent on unsafe road conditions in Kempton Park
Today, AfriForum wrote a follow-up letter to the Municipal Manager of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, Dr. Imogen Mashazi, about the serious road safety issues on the R23 and R21 near the Serengeti Golf Estate in Kempton Park. The letter follows after the Municipality’s silence since October last year about the absence of road markings and traffic lights on these roads. For the past two years, motorists have had to brave these roads with almost no visible road markings or working traffic lights.
“This problem poses a great risk to road safety and leads to increasing frustration among community members,” says Jurie Ferreira, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the East Rand. “It’s for this reason that AfriForum’s Kempton Park branch has requested that the Municipality compile an action plan with a detailed timeline to paint road markings and introduce other safety measures. It’s of the utmost importance that this issue receives immediate attention to prevent serious car accidents.”
AfriForum has also informed the Municipality that if there is no response or intervention within five working days, that the civil rights organisation, together with the community, will continue to put plans in place to get the road markings painted to ensure the safety of motorists.
“AfriForum insists that this matter be treated with due seriousness. The community deserves roads that are safe and meet basic standards,” says Ferreira.
AfriForum encourages residents to get involved and report road safety issues in their area. “We will continue to support communities and apply pressure where necessary to make sure that the safety of residents is put first,” concludes Ferreira.
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