AfriForum neighbourhood watches in the central region take part in national patrol
On 14 April, the AfriForum neighbourhoud watches in North-West, KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State participated in AfriForum’s national patrol in collaboration with the SAPS, local CPF, community members and various security companies. This patrol took place from 16:00 until 06:00 the next morning.
A total of 1489 patrollers participated in the patrol and covered 26,326 km in 767 vehicles. The patrollers handled 24 incidents. The purpose of these patrols is to increase visibility in the respective provinces and thus counter crime.
“The AfriForum neighbourhood watches will continue to undertake projects and regularly conduct patrols in collaboration with the SAPS and other safety role players to curb crime and promote safety. It is important that communities and organisations come together to fight crime. The increased visibility in neighbourhoods and cities play an important role in community safety and therefore it is important that patrols like this take place,” says Joseph Renaud, AfriForum’s Safety Specialist for the central region.
AfriForum would like to thank every neighbourhood watch member and other role players who participated for their willingness to offer their free time even on a Friday to keep their communities safe.
Join your local neighbourhood watch today and help keep your community safe.