
AfriForum discuss and review progress made in Parys

AfriForum met with representatives of the Ngwathe Local Municipality yesterday (18 September) about the situation in Parys and the progress being made to deal with the town’s multiple service delivery problems. During this time, the municipality agreed to have a direct line of communication and hold fortnightly meetings with community representatives, such as AfriForum, where service delivery issues will be raised and discussed. The organisations Metsi Pompong and Save Ngwathe will also participate in these meetings and together with AfriForum enter into discussions with the municipality about any problems.

The civil rights organisation also visited the water purification works with the newly appointed Municipal Manager, Dr. Futhuli Mothamaha. A contractor is currently in the process of cleaning the catch basins from where water is pumped to the community. However, the reservoirs have a thick layer of sediment on them, which is currently being removed by hand with buckets. It’s a time-consuming process that still causes the water in some taps to run dirty.

But while this process is underway, the municipality has undertaken to urgently apply to Eskom to lay a direct power supply line to the waterworks so that power cuts do not affect the town’s water supply. The local AfriForum branch will assist the municipality in this regard.

According to Schalk Burger, Chairman of the AfriForum branch in Parys, there are finally knowledgeable people at the helm of the waterworks, which means the water situation in the town will begin to change for the better. “There’s a long way to go before Parys’ water problems are resolved, but for the first time the community can hope for a better future,” says Burger.

The municipality also pointed out during the meeting that:

  • they are preparing the cost study that is outstanding with the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). Further communication about the power rate increase which should not have been charged will follow soon. AfriForum will assist the municipality in this regard; and
  • a meeting will be organised with the relevant officials at the municipality so that the low-hanging electricity cables are urgently repaired and that the power outages caused by short circuits can be reduced. The broken street lights in the town will also be discussed at this time.

“This meeting was the first time that AfriForum met with the Ngwathe Local Municipality and was satisfied with the progress that had been made, as well as the way forward. It really seems that the new Municipal Manager is making it his task to turn the water situation in Parys around. It’s true that the community is tired of the problems, but the municipality is now working together with AfriForum and other community organisations to face the problems,” says Alta Pretorius, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the Mooi River.

Although AfriForum is hopeful that sufficient attention will finally be given to the service delivery issues in Parys, Corné Cronjé, Manager of Community Structures at AfriForum, says that this will only be done successfully if the community helps to make it a success. “If you see a water leak, report it. If you see sewage being dumped illegally, report it. We are the eyes and ears on the ground and together Parys can soon be transformed into a leading tourist destination again,” says Cronjé. “AfriForum will continue to play its role as a watchdog and apply pressure on the municipality to fulfil its obligations to the community.”

Contact Burger on 082 653 4281 to get involved with the AfriForum branch in Parys.

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