
AfriForum and others meet with municipality in Parys

AfriForum and representatives of the Community Forum, Save Ngwathe, Mooi Parys and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) had a meeting with representatives of the Ngwathe Local Municipality on 22 October about various problems in Parys. The municipal manager was not present. Mokete Phele, manager of technical services, and Henk Coetzer, electrical engineer, represented the Municipality at the meeting.

According to Philip de Wet of the DWS, the project at the water purification works is progressing well; however, there is a change in the scope of work that is delaying the project. A contractor was recently appointed to clean the catch basins from where the water is pumped to the community.

Regarding the poor water quality, Phele confirmed that the reservoirs have been cleaned. Schonkenville’s reservoir will be cleaned next week and the pipe network will be flushed piece by piece from next week to clean the garbage in the pipes. However, it is requested that the community be notified in advance if the water is blocked in certain parts, so that residents can take precautions.

As for the water leaks, Phele claims that the asbestos pipes have not yet been replaced because the contractor has been fired. During the meeting it was asked that a plan should be made soon, as a lot of water is lost through these leaks. AfriForum appealed to the Municipality to launch the tender process as soon as possible so that the pipelines can be replaced as per the tender.

The sewage spills that AfriForum and Save Ngwathe have repeatedly reported have not yet received any attention and the sewage continues to flow into the Vaal River. AfriForum took Phele to the manhole at Die Sandgat so that he could see for himself how the sewage flows into the river. He admitted that it was the Ngwathe Municipality’s fault. On a visit to the sewage pumping station, it was found that no pump was working, which was part of the cause of the problem.

Phele undertakes they will apply for municipal infrastructure grants to repair the pumping station. The municipal manager will be spoken to so that emergency measures are introduced, as the current situation is criminal. AfriForum will monitor the situation and consider further steps if the sewage spill is not stopped.

Regarding the massive power outages residents suffer, Coetzer argued that the biggest problem is cable theft and therefore the damage to substations. AfriForum undertakes to conduct a security analysis and come forward with proposals for security.

At the meeting, it was emphasised that a system must be implemented for residents to be able to report problems efficiently and on which they then get proper feedback. Phele undertakes to schedule a meeting about this for next week. However, the power supply for the waterworks during power cuts is still a problem and must be given priority.

Furthermore, the Ngwathe Municipality is warned to implement a working disaster management plan and upgrade the fire brigade. A health and safety officer must also be appointed. The building that burned down recently proved that the Municipality is not prepared at all when it comes to any disaster situation.

“We are concerned about the many cases that don’t receive the necessary attention by the Municipality. The community organisations will keep applying pressure and every resident must also apply the necessary pressure on the Municipality – not just on WhatsApp groups. We emphasised to the Municipality that continuous and correct communication is of utmost importance,” says Alta Pretorius, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the Mooi River.

According to Schalk Burger, Chairperson of the AfriForum branch in Parys, the onus also rests on the community to help with the reporting of incidents and to help with solutions for a more beautiful and safe Parys. “All cases must be reported to the police to strengthen their hands for better policing and sufficient vehicles and manpower which depends on the statistics of the police office. Also help us by keeping your eyes and ears open and participating when doing projects in town,” concludes Burger.

“There is indeed progress on certain fronts such as the upgrading of the waterworks, but the Municipality still does not fulfil its mandate in all aspects. AfriForum would like to help the Municipality find solutions to problems and help implement them. My concern, however, is that there are usually nice promises made during the meeting, but that they are empty promises. If there is no cooperation and concrete actions to resolve the state of the sewage spill, infrastructure and electricity in Parys, we will use the remedies at our disposal to compel the Municipality to do so,” says Corne Cronje, AfriForum’s Manager of Community Affairs.

If you want to get involved with the AfriForum branch, contact Burger on 082 653 4281.

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