
Knysna branch plants 111 trees during tree planting month

The AfriForum branch in Knysna exceeded all expectations during AfriForum’s annual tree planting month project by smashing its own milestone of planting 100 trees. At the beginning of September, the branch challenged itself to plant at least 100 trees in the area. Not only did this branch achieve its own goal but exceeded it by planting a total of 111 trees in the greater Knysna area.

The trees were divided and distributed to various organisations in the area to plant in their respective areas. The White Stinkwood (Celtis africana), Water Pear (Syzygium guineense), Water Berry (Syzygium cordatum) and Yellowwood trees (Podocarpus latifolius) were distributed to Revive Knysna, Revive Sedgefield, the Sedgefield Island Conservancy and a forest rehabilitation project respectively.

The branch also plans to plant additional trees at various schools and churches in the area. “AfriForum is grateful and excited to work with these organisations to create a greener future,” says Mornay Bouwer, chairman of AfriForum’s Knysna branch. “By working together, so much more can be achieved and, on top of that, shade is provided for our children.”

The Knysna branch is committed to cultivating a clean and safe environment, which is why the branch has already undertaken several projects in the community to fight against poor service delivery and to preserve a better future. Join today to help the Knysna branch do even more. Send an email to marthinus.erasmus@afriforum.co.za or call Marthinus Erasmus on 081 216 9602 for more information.

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