
AfriForum extinguishes lapa fire in Germiston before house is completely engulfed

AfriForum’s fire team in Germiston recently prevented a house that caught fire in Partridge Street in Elspark, Germiston from being completely engulfed by flames. The AfriForum fire team, in collaboration with private security companies, responded to the fire and prevented it from spreading to other parts of the house.

The fire erupted outside the house at the lapa on the morning of 13 July and threatened to spread to other parts of the house. AfriForum’s fire team coordinated with the private security companies on the scene and succeeded in quickly bringing the fire under control so that it did not spread further. The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality’s fire brigade helped extinguish the fire upon its arrival at the scene. The three residents of the house were unharmed.

“The professionalism with which AfriForum’s fire team and the private security companies handled the situation highlights the importance of cooperation in emergency situations. Their combined efforts ensured that the fire did not spread to the main building. In the end, the damage was significantly reduced,” says Jurie Ferreira, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the East Rand.

Since the establishment of AfriForum’s Germiston fire team earlier this year, several emergencies have been dealt with successfully. This latest incident highlights once again the value of this team’s presence and readiness in the community.

“We are grateful for the fire teams’ quick response and the willingness of its members to put themselves at risk to make a difference in the community. AfriForum will continue to support and secure this community, especially in times of need,” concludes Ferreira.

The Germiston branch encourages residents to get involved with the branch and its local safety structures to help promote the safety of the community. Cooperation between all stakeholders is of great importance to ensure a safe environment. Visit www.wordlid.co.za for more information.

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