AfriForum donation brings relief to old age homes in Williston
The Emmanuel and ACVV Amandelhof homes in Williston, which offer a permanent home to nearly 40 pioneers and forerunners from a previous generation, recently received a welcome donation from the local AfriForum branch when loads of vegetables and clothes were donated here.
Although in the past the homes often received donations from farmers from the surrounding district, these farmers are now also feeling the pinch, explains Marnel Louw, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Williston branch. “The farmers themselves are also suffering and cannot always offer their assistance to the homes. In addition, we cannot count on help from the government, and therefore, now more than ever before, the lending hand that the Williston branch provides here is of critical importance,” Louw believes.
The branch’s donation includes, among other things, beetroot, pumpkins, potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, and apples. “These vegetables and fruit are essential for a healthy and balanced diet, and as we are moving closer to the colder seasons yet again, we know that the donations will make a big difference in the lives of these vulnerable members of our community,” she explains.
Make a difference in your community today and get involved with AfriForum’s Williston branch.