Nationalisation of sport

The South African government proposed legislation in December 2019 that will put all sport under the authority of the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture.

These proposals include the following:

  • Complete control over every sport federation, as well as the implementation of rules and regulations, as the Minister sees fit;
  • Complete control over the erection, maintenance and inspection of sport facilities;
  • No international sport event may be hosted in South Africa or application submitted to host such an event without the Minister’s approval;
  • The Minister may appoint a committee to control all combat sport in South Africa; and
  • The Minister may appoint a committee to regulate the whole fitness industry in South Africa.

According to the ANC government, these proposals are aimed at promoting equality and correcting the mistakes of the past.

AfriForum says NO. The proposed legislation is nothing more than an attempt to transfer all power over South African sport to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture. We cannot allow sport to be nationalised.

Media statement:

Add your name to AfriForum’s commentary on this Bill to prevent the complete collapse of South African sport.

See the commentary here.

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