AfriForum’s Alberton neighbourhood watch tracks down missing persons
The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Alberton on 8 and 9 October 2019 tracked down two missing persons in separate incidents.
This follows after the neighbourhood watch placed information on social media groups about a woman that was reported missing on 6 October 2019. A neighbourhood watch member noticed the woman in the town’s main street in front of Pep where she attempted to purchase goods together with two men. The neighbourhood watch member communicated with the relevant parties that the woman was found and taken to the police station.
A further success is that a 14-year-old girl was found after her family reported her as missing on 3 October 2019 after she ran away from home. A member of the neighbourhood watch observed her in a veldt, after which her family was informed. She was safely returned to her loved ones.
“I am extremely proud of the AfriForum neighbourhood watch members of Alberton that concern them with the safety of community members at all times. Continuous support and the development of certain skills lead to the reaping of rewards such as these,” says Louis van Aswegen, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Alberton neighbourhood watch.
Become involved at your local AfriForum neighbourhood watch today: SMS “Alberton” to 45342 (R1).