Let your voice be heard and send a letter to the Minister of Water and Sanitation.
We need your help to clean up our river again and to remove the alien plants.
Also fill in the link below if you feel that DWS has not done anything to solve the problem.
AfriForum is ready to take independent steps to resolve this issue should the departments not act quickly and comprehensively. The organisation requests information on the measures that the relevant departments will put in place to not only solve this issue, but also to ensure the long-term health of the Vaal River system.
We believe that the conservation of our natural resources is a joint responsibility and we commit ourselves to ensuring the health and sustainability of the Vaal River system. We are prepared to get involved and participate in initiatives that will promote the sustainable management of our water resources in general.
If you sign, a letter will automatically be sent to DWS to demand their intervention.
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